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9 TED talks recommended for veterinary students

Posted by Flavia Vaduva on Apr 13, 2018 10:06:46 PM
Flavia Vaduva
Flavia Vaduva is a general practice Veterinarian and a blogger for VetTechPrep. She has a passion for veterinary medicine, education and business management. She really enjoys interacting with veterinary students and veterinary professionals. She spends her free time riding horses and traveling to explore new places!


TED Talks is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.

Here are 9 talks I think would be very beneficial for Veterinary Students who may be just starting their journey as a 1st year all the way to the recent graduate. Take a look at these 9 gems and then read my takeaways through a veterinary lens as someone who has taken the journey through veterinary school and now is a professional.

1. The happy secret to better work by Shawn Achor 

Takeaway: Many people think they will be happy when they become successful…watch this TED talk to understand why (and how!) being happy now leads to greater success!

2. The puzzle of motivation by Dan Pink 

Takeaway: The traditional methods of motivating employees- rewards and punishments- used to be effective and they still might be, but only in jobs that require routine labor tasks. We all know that Veterinary Medicine is anything but routine so check out this video to find out the keys to staying motivated in the workplace!


3. Why we do what we do by Tony Robbins 

Takeaway: You may have always heard that you should give to others- but watching this inspiring and moving talk about why giving actually matters can benefit, improve and change your life.

4. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth 

Takeaway: Vet school is a real marathon- find out what grit is and why it matters to your learning

5. Start with why by Simon Sinek 

Takeaway: Whether you plan to be a practice owner, associate or partner, you need to know why you’re there and why you do what you do. Starting with why changes how we view our work and present it to others.

6. How to live before you die by Steve Jobs 

Takeaway: Tune in to this talk to learn a little bit more about the power of following your passion, getting back up in the face of failure and what it really means to live each day as it were your last.

7. Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy 

Takeaway: In our customer service-based industry, the way we present ourselves to our clients and patients matters- a lot! Watch this talk to learn more about you can use body language to enhance your interactions.

8. Inside the mind of a master procrastinator by Tim Urban 

Takeaway: In this entertaining and insightful talk, Tim Urban helps us understand how people approach deadlines and getting things done at work and encourages us to think seriously about how this may affect our lives.

9. The surprising habits of original thinkers by Adam Grant 

Takeaway: For any veterinary students interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, this is a great talk to watch about the importance of idea generation, speaking up and taking chances. 

So did you watch them all? Which ones really resonated with you? Do you have a favorite?


All the Best in your journeys! ~ Flavia 


Topics: Motivation, Stress Management

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