I saw this week that a raw diet was recalled for possible botulinum toxin contamination. I have only seen one suspected case of Botulism in practice (in a dog) but let’s take a moment to review this important disease. In general, dogs and cats tend to be more resistant.
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I don’t know about you, but as a veterinarian I become worried and also frustrated when there are these major pet food recalls.
Why? Mostly because every single client asks about them, and it seems that it is very difficult for us as veterinarians to stay in the loop and be able to provide accurate and up to date information regarding all of these recalls.
We have so many other things to deal with on a daily basis, and now we are looped in to knowing about the products the pet food industry is putting on the shelves. We are the experts of everything healthcare for pets, and it is our duty to stay informed of recalls and be prepared to answer questions regarding them no matter how frustrating it is.
Topics: pet food, Pet Food Recalls