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Understanding and Managing Financial Aid in Veterinary School

Posted by VetExaminer Editors on Sep 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM

 With the new school year just underway, chances are that you have recently been dealing with the not-so-glamorous part of professional school – financial aid – and are making yourself sick over how much money you are going to owe after you graduate. Navigating vet school and figuring out how to best fund your education can be a challenge. Here are some tips for keeping the debt down and some explanations of the different types of financial aid available to you. Everyone’s financial situation is different and each individual needs to consider the best long-term options for their particular situation.

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Topics: Vet School, From the Editors

The Spay and Neuter Debate

Posted by Jessica Gramlich on Oct 21, 2015 10:00:00 AM

There have been studies in the last few years evaluating the long-term effects of spaying and neutering pets. As veterinarians, we are taught that spaying and neutering pets is an absolute must in all cases and should occur typically around 5 to 6 months of age.

Spaying and neutering is a very important part of controlling the pet population. However, it is hard to ignore the implications of these studies if wellness and longevity are the center of our practices. This article is to bring to light some additional information we should consider when making decisions about when to spay or neuter our patients, as every pet situation is different.

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Topics: From the Editors

Tips for Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy Through Vet School

Posted by Jessica Gramlich on Sep 21, 2015 12:00:00 PM

Vet school is undoubtedly one of the busiest and most stressful times in your life. With all that you’ve got going on, it’s important to stay physically healthy and mentally sharp to get you through it all. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy:

1. Exercise! Staying active and having a regular exercise schedule is helpful in many ways. Whether it’s running, walking, biking, yoga, volleyball, or turbo kickboxing, keeping a scheduled exercise routine will help you stay both physically and mentally fit. Getting your blood flowing and your heart rate up will keep you mentally alert and focused for studying and for sitting through long lectures. It’s also a great way to reduce stress and prevent some of the general lethargy and malaise that sets in around the middle of the semester. A short exercise break is also great during marathon study sessions to help you clear your mind and re-focus.

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Topics: Health & Wellness, From the Editors

Hospice for Veterinary Patients: A Growing Opportunity

Posted by Jessica Gramlich on Aug 19, 2015 7:00:00 AM

We all know about hospice care for humans, but what about hospice care for animals? This seems to be more widely recognized now in veterinary medicine. When you think of hospice for humans, you think of terminal patients that have 24 hour nursing care for palliation until death. For animals, it is more of a recognition that an animal does have a terminal disease, and helps to open up a dialogue with owners about what to expect for their pet so they are prepared and have a plan in place to keep them comfortable as long as possible.

Hospice care is based on accepting death as a part of life; helping an owner to make a plan they are comfortable with that encompasses their own beliefs, whether or not that includes euthanasia in the end. Questions that may help owners plan for this decision include:

  1. What exactly happens during euthanasia?
  2. What are my personal options for the euthanasia procedure? Should I plan for it to be done at home, or at the hospital? If there is a specific doctor I wish to perform the procedure, what days is he/she available? What if I have an emergency? Who should I call?
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Topics: From the Editors, Euthanasia

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