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Make Financial Plans for Life After Vet School

Posted by Cathy Barnette on Dec 15, 2020 9:06:39 AM

There are two types of people: the obsessive planners and the go-with-the-flow types. If you’re in vet school, I’m going to assume that you’re at least a little bit of a planner… but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what to plan for, or how to create the best possible plan. 

As you approach vet school graduation, you will be making a ton of decisions and doing a lot of planning. From choosing your first job to finding an apartment, there will be a lot of change and a lot of decisions to be made. In the midst of all of that change and upheaval, it’s easy to put your finances on autopilot. You will likely have more income as a new grad than you do as a vet student, so you may be tempted to assume that everything will “just work out.”

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Topics: Financial Aid, Financial Planing, After Vet School

Your Vet School Financial Aid is in the Bank: Now What?

Posted by Cathy Barnette on Jan 20, 2020 9:15:43 AM

It’s the beginning of the semester and your financial aid money has (hopefully!) been deposited into your bank account. Now you need to figure out how to make that money last through the end of the semester, until you receive your next financial aid deposit or start a job. 

If you’re like many people, receiving large sums of money on an infrequent basis makes budgeting a bit challenging. How do you avoid overspending at the beginning of the semester? How do you ensure that you’ll have enough money to get through the entire semester?

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Topics: Veterinary School, Financial Aid, Vet School

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