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Infographic: Canine White Blood Cell Review

Posted by Cathy Barnette on Jan 29, 2021 11:50:06 AM
Cathy Barnette
Cathy Barnette is a practicing small animal veterinarian, freelance writer, and contributor to XPrep Learning Solutions. She is passionate about both veterinary medicine and education, working to provide helpful information to veterinary teams and the general public. In her free time, she enjoys spending time in nature with her family and leading a Girl Scout troop.

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Infographic: Canine White Blood Cell Review


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Neutrophils (segmented)

Granulocyte, Most Common, First Responders, Increase with inflammation, epinephrine and corticosteriods (excitement/stress), Decrease with inflammation (move into tissues), endotxemia, bone marrow disease, immune-mediated disease.

Neutrophils (band)

Granulocyte, Young Neutrophils, Increase (i.e. Left Shift) associated with inflammation, acute infection. Increase exceeding Normal/Segmented Neutrophils (i.e. Degenerative Left Shift) associate with severe inflammation. Decrease not significant.

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Neutrophils (toxic)

Granulocyte, Old Neutrophils, Presence associated with severe inflammation, Decrease not significant.


Agranulocyte, Second most common, Humoral and Cellular Immune Response, Increased due epinephrine, youth, neoplasia, and leukemia. Decreases due to stress, acute infection, loss through effusions or lymph, and immunodeficiency.


Agranulocyte, Increase as response to Stress and Inflammation; less commonly paraneoplastic response and leukemia. Decrease not significant. Scavengers: become Macrophages to remove cell debris, and foreign material.


Granulocyte, Increase associated with parasitic infections, allergic reactions, paraneoplastic response, Addison’s, leukemia. Decrease may be associated with corticosteroids/stress, or insignificant.


Granulocyte, Increases are rare, may be associated with parasitic infections and allergic reactions (follow increases with Eosinophils, but in fewer numbers), or rarely leukemia. Decreases are not significant.

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