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AVMA Predicts That You Just Might Be Able to Pay Off Your Loans

Posted by Jessica Gramlich on Sep 16, 2015 4:30:00 PM


Like it or not, finances are an extremely important aspect of veterinary medicine. Just like every other industry, money makes the world go round.  Veterinary students are graduating with record debt.

Veterinary hospitals are struggling to pay living wages for all employees while simultaneously keeping the lights on. Owners are scrounging up funds for improved veterinary technology and sometimes that plight is heartbreaking.  

Veterinarians hate talking about money because we don't like being accused of not caring.  Somehow charging for our services makes us evil. It's ridiculous because there are very few people working full time jobs for free, so why do we always feel guilty? Getting paid is not actually something to feel bad about.

Taking advantage of a client is something to be ashamed of, but earning an honest living and being able to pay off your loans is just being a responsible member of society.

My Story

When I went through vet school school, the future pay outlook was very grim and it was scary because I had (still have) so much debt!  So imagine the delight of reading a report conducted by the AVMA predicting that veterinary salaries are on the rise!

 Make no mistake about it, you are very unlikely to become filthy rich while being a veterinarian, but you have worked really hard for your education, you will work very long and difficult hours as a professional and you should not sell yourself short once you get out there into the money making real world.

Read on for more information about salary expectations.

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