The season one finale of "The Idea" concluded with three student team presentations to a live audience and was also broadcast on Facebook Live
College Station, Texas, March 21, 2017 ( - The Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Symposium was held this past week at Texas A&M University, College of Veterinary Medicine. Among the incredible presentations and events was the first annual finals of The Idea, an innovation competition exclusively for veterinary students, hosted by VetPrep, SAVMA, the VBMA, and ViralVet. In addition, the Veterinary Innovation Lab from Texas A&M joined VetPrep in supporting the year-long competition. - Read the full Article on
Mauricio Dujowich Talks about The Idea Finale at SAVMA Symposium 2017
Mauricio Dujowich: [00:00:00] Just want to take a quick moment to thank everybody that was involved with putting together the innovation competition. First and foremost SAVMA for letting us host it there and for believing in us and letting us do something really really cool for all the students and hopefully inspiring everybody. I'd like to also thank the competitors there were over 70 entries and they eventually got funneled down to three amazing presentations and I can't say how impressed I was by all the presentations and how exciting it is and how exciting for them and what they're going to be doing in the future. I also want to think really quick are mentors for providing all the mentor-ship along the way and also want to thank our judges for doing such an amazing job. And being there for us and helping us to pick these amazing first second and third place winners. And lastly I'd like to think a Texas A&M and Texas A&M innovation hub. Thank you guys so much for helping us put this together as well and I hope to see you guys all in season two of The Idea innovation competition. See you guys later. Thanks [1:11.7]
Ira Gordon Talks about The Idea Finale at SAVMA Symposium 2017
Ira Gordon: [00:00:11] Hey, this is Ira Gordan co-founder of Vetprep and one of the judges of "The Idea". I just got back from College Station. [00:00:17] I just have to say how proud I am to have been responsible and associated with this innovation competition for veterinary students as well as how amazed and impressed I was by all of the teams that participated. [00:00:31] I'm extremely thankful for their hard work and the hard work of everybody that helped us to make this event the reality and the folks from AVMA, Adam and Aaron with Texas innovation lab and all of the SAVMA representatives and students from Texas A&M and elsewhere that helped us with this process. It was really really neat to see the amazing things that veterinary students came up with and the fact that was just a little bit of an incentive and a reason to do something with their ideas. [00:01:01] They really made remarkable progress and have probably created some things that are really going to make a difference. And it's really really really cool really special and I appreciate everything that allowed this to happen.