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Posted by Cari Wise on Feb 23, 2016 8:00:00 AM


Vet Student, are you feeling stressed about the NAVLE?  Are you testing in April and haven’t started to prepare?  I assure you, you are not alone!

With just under sixty days until the April test window starts, you might be tempted to give up on your NAVLE prep.  This may be especially true if you have been studying on your own up until now.  Don’t give up!

You know more than you think you do.  Really, trust me on this!  And, you have time to create a new strategy to use from now until test day to fill in the gaps.  VetPrep can help!

If you don’t already have a VetPrep subscription, sign up for one now at

Early Registration Special! Register for the 180-day subscription between Jan 16 and Mar 1 and get access until the end of 2016.

Buy Early Bird VetPrep Premium Special Extended Access through Nov/Dec NAVLE


Buy Early Bird VetPrep Standard Special Extended Access through Nov/Dec NAVLE

Don’t be overwhelmed by amount of content.  Begin by completing two or three random 60-question exams.  Try to do this in one setting, and allow three and a half hours to complete them. Then review the statistics associated with each to identify your weak areas. You will likely see a trend across the three exams.

Use that information to identify where to focus your efforts in the practice questions. Don’t forget to use the PowerPages and PowerLectures for condensed, concentrated review on specific subjects!

Keep in mind that the NAVLE questions are distributed based on topics and species using the guidelines below.  Schedule your study time accordingly.  For example, with only two questions on Camelidae, I probably wouldn’t spend hours studying information specific to that species.

Question Distribution by Topic

Data Gathering & Interpretation: 140 (47%)

History, Physical Exam, Environment Evaluation 35 (12%)

Determine Status of Animal or Environment 24 (8%)

Record Pertinent Information in Orderly System 11 (4%)

Develop a Problem List, and Differential Diagnoses 47 (16%)

Establish Working or Final Diagnosis or Conclusion: 23 (8%)

Health Maintenance & Problem Management: 140 (47%)

Evaluate Prevention, Tx, Management Options: 64 (21%)

Implement Plan of Action: 47 (16%)

Assess Outcomes: 29 (10%)

Professional Communication, Practice Management 20 (6%)


Question Distribution by Species

Small Animal: 158 (53%)

Canine: 70 (23%)

Feline: 68 (23%)

Pet Birds: 10 (3%)

Other Small Animals: 10 (3%)

Food Animal: 82 (27%)

Bovine: 45 (15%)

Porcine: 17 (6%)

Ovine/Caprine: 10 (3%)

Cervidae: 2 (0.7%)

Camelidae: 2 (0.7%)

Poultry: 6 (2%)

Equine: 47 (16%)

Public Health: 10 (3%)

Non-Species Specific: 3 (1%)

Be sure to complete a set of practice exams each week to gauge your progress.  Adjust your study focus based on your results statistics.  Set a goal to complete at least 80% of the VetPrep study tool by April 15th.

Finally, make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and making time for fun activities to manage your stress levels.  You’ve worked hard to get here.  You’ve Got This!

Need an Edge Studying for the NAVLE?

NAVLE-StudyGuide-Mockup-500px-NewYou're of course going to need to study a ton to nail the test, but there are a lot of tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your study time and we've packaged those up in a free guide.

Some of the Top 15 Tips include:

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format
  • Tackle the Weak Subjects Early
  • Start Sooner and Ease Into It
  • ...and 12 more!

Download Free NAVLE Study Guide  Awesome Tips and Tricks Plus Tailored Study Programs

Topics: Stress Management, NAVLE, Vet Student

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