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Cathy Barnette

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Topics: VIRMP
Managing Anxiety for the Biggest Test of Your Veterinary Career
Topics: Stress Management, 4th Year, Test Taking Tips, NAVLE
Fourth-Year Vet Students, Are You Ready for NAVLE®?
If you’re a fourth-year vet student, you have probably (hopefully?!) already registered to take the NAVLE®during the November 18th - December 14th, 2019 testing window.
Guess what?
That’s only 3-4 months away!!
Right now, stop what you’re doing.
Topics: Studying, 4th Year, NAVLE, Vet Student, Vet School
As a vet student, there are many reasons that you might have questions about traveling with pets.
Topics: Summertime, Pet Travel
Keep Your Cool When Managing Burns and Heatstroke in Veterinary Patients
It’s summertime! While you may be spending the next few months lounging at the beach or traveling to exotic, far-off locales, it’s more likely that you’re spending this summer working in a veterinary hospital.
Topics: Heatstroke, Burns, Summertime