If you have worked in more than just one or two veterinary practices, you have probably witnessed some unsafe work situations! I wish I could say that isn’t the case, but the reality is that the rate of injuries among veterinary employees is higher than the injury rate seen in the majority of other professions.1
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Cathy Barnette

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Be Sure Your First Vet Job Is Not a Hazard to Your Health
Topics: Veterinary Career
5 Tips to Make Your Veterinary Workday Less Painful
We all know that working in the veterinary field carries a certain risk of injury. In fact, 2016 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that veterinary medicine was second only to long-term care nursing in injury rates; in fact, veterinary employees have a higher rate of workplace injuries than people working in law enforcement or firefighting!1
Fortunately, our injuries are unlikely to be fatal. However, that doesn’t mean that we should become complacent or not take workplace injuries seriously.
Talking Your Clients Off the Ledge During a Veterinary Emergency
Imagine the following scenario:
You have just started your first job as a vet, working at a two-doctor general practice in a suburban area. You’ve been on the job for about three weeks and everything is going smoothly… so smoothly, in fact, that your boss leaves you to “hold down the fort” for a few hours while he goes to a doctor’s appointment. You feel honored, but slightly terrified.
Sure enough, not even half an hour after the owner walks out the door, a new client comes rushing in with a dog that has been hit by a car. You perform a brief triage exam and the dog looks relatively stable, but you know that he needs an IV catheter, fluids, pain meds, radiographs, and monitoring for the next several hours. As soon as you begin talking to the client about your exam findings and plan, she starts to cry. “I only have $75. I won’t have any more money until I get paid on the first of the month. Can you still save him?!”
Uh oh. You were prepared for a medical conversation, but vet school didn’t prepare you for this!
How will you treat this dog for only $75? How can you help this client come up with more money? Your first instinct is to pass this conversation off to another team member, but you’re standing in front of the client and she’s pleading for answers… walking away and handing her off to someone else doesn’t seem like a good choice.
What next?
Topics: emergencies
If your post-graduation career plans involve working in small animal general practice, there’s a decent chance that you may someday find yourself dealing with wellness plans. In fact, a 2015 survey found that 20% of veterinary practices surveyed offered wellness plans, although the exact number seems to fluctuate from year to year.1
When you think of wellness plans, you might immediately think of Banfield. While they are a major provider and proponent of wellness plans, they certainly aren’t the only ones! Other corporations, including VCA and National Veterinary Associates (NVA) also offer wellness plans in many of their hospitals. Privately-owned practices are also increasingly offering wellness plans as a service to their clients, to increase compliance and provide clients with financial options.
Having a basic understanding of wellness plans can be a big help you as you begin your career. If you’re considering working a practice that offers wellness plans, understanding these plans can help you determine whether you would be comfortable recommending them to your clients. If you do end up working in such a practice, an understanding of your practice’s specific wellness plan offerings is essential in order to educate your clients about this option.
Topics: Vet Student, Wellness Plans, veterinary student
5 Tips for Talking to New Puppy Owners About Pet Insurance
As much as we hate to admit it, we all know that many pets die each year because their owners are unable to afford veterinary care. Like it or not, high-quality care is expensive.
This leads some clients to forego treatment or even to euthanize their pets for financial reasons.
If we, as veterinarians, can convince pet owners to enroll in pet insurance from an early age, we are far less likely to find ourselves performing economic euthanasias on these pets.
Therefore, you would think we should all be doing our best to talk about pet insurance at every visit, right? In reality, though, many of us avoid conversations about pet insurance. Our days are often hectic, we have limited time with each client, and pet insurance is a complex topic that is difficult to distill down into a brief client chat.
How can we make pet insurance conversations more efficient and productive?
Topics: Puppies, Pet Insurance, New Puppy Owners