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Topics: externships
What's the Ideal Number of Daily Appointments for Veterinarians?
Being overwhelmed and overworked are key factors in burn-out in our profession. We are all different in the way we handle cases, clients, hours, appointments, emergencies, etc.
Topics: appointments
Vet Students: Time to Submit Your NAVLE® Applications
Are you planning on taking the NAVLE® this winter? As of today Monday June 4, 2018 , the ICVA has opened applications for the November/December test window.
Topics: NAVLE, NAVLE Applications
Delusional Parasitosis - What Should Veterinarians Do?
Have you ever heard of Delusional Parasitosis? It isn't very common, but is a very real issue that you may come across in vet practice.
This is a human disease or syndrome, where an owner believes that they or their pets are infested with a parasite or organism that isn't there.
Topics: Client Situations, Delusional Parasitosis, Veterinary Clients, Clients
Veterinary Student Tips for the “Peri-Interview” Journey
As a veterinary student, you may not feel confident about the job search process- read more below for advice on how to prepare for the job hunt!
Topics: Jobs, Interviews