Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is our latest infographic on canine cold weather risk for small, medium and large dogs. This assessment tool will give you the score risks for each size and also some other considerations.
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Veterinarian Infographic: Canine Cold Weather Risk Assessment Tool
Topics: Facts, Canine, Dog Breeds
10 Holiday Hazards for Pets Causing True Veterinary Emergencies
Topics: emergencies, Career
November/December 2016 NAVLE® Testers: Do you think you passed the NAVLE?
Now that the biggest test of your life is over: Do you think you passed the NAVLE November/December 2016 NAVLE® Testers?
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Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is our latest infographic on pupils shape by species including feline, canine, avian, bovine, caprine, ovine, swine, and equine.
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