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ViralVet Case of the Week: Brachycephalic Syndrome Surgery
Topics: ViralVet Case of the Week
Poll: Are your CATS current on their Rabies vaccinations?
Our latest poll is on whether or not your CATS current on their Rabies vaccinations.
Topics: Polls
Vet Student, it's that time of year again! VetPrep is recruiting third year veterinary students from each vet school to serve as student representatives for our company!
Topics: NAVLE, Vet Student, Vet School
Did you know this about Acepromazine and other Phenothiazine drugs and Boxers
Acepromazine and other phenothiazine drugs should be used with caution in Boxers. Even small doses can result in severe bradycardia, hypotension and collapse in some lines of boxers. Therefore, it's best to use a decreased dose, or avoid all together in this breed.
Topics: Facts