As veterinarians and pet owners, we are fortunate to live in a time where the understanding of animal diseases and options for diagnosis and treatment are far more advanced than ever before. As a result, we also live in a time where the cost to provide the new gold-standard care is also higher.
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Is there a Middle Ground between Gold-Standard Care and Euthanasia in Veterinary Medicine?
Topics: Stress Management, Client Situations, Communication, Euthanasia, Career
By now you have probably figured out that veterinary medicine is a combination of medical science and detective work! With experience, your ability to diagnose based on clinical signs, presenting complaints, and owner information alone will improve.
But don't be fooled, Vet Student! Below are two examples of medical conditions that can be misdiagnosed if diagnostic work-ups are skipped and the "likely choices" are assumed!
Topics: Client Situations, Toxicity, Communication, Vet Student, Career, Differentials
We have the best job in the world, at least I think so. And you probably think so too, since you are a Vet Student happily giving up years of your life for vet school to become a veterinarian.
You are likely envisioning a life of puppies and kittens, foals and calves, kids and lambs, chicks, piglets, and crias. You get the idea. But, as you know, not all days will be happy ones in the world of veterinary medicine.
Topics: Client Situations, Communication, Vet Student, Vet School, Career
5 Questions you should never ask pet owners, Vet Student
Communicating effectively with veterinary clients is a skill all of its own.
When working to obtain an accurate patient history, avoiding certain questions will not only provide you with more accurate information, but also create an opportunity for discussion.
Here are five questions for the veterinarian or vet tech to avoid when speaking with pet owners.
Topics: Client Situations, Communication, Vet Student, Career, Clients
There probably isn’t a topic more controversial in veterinary medicine than euthanasia. A veterinary license provides us with the legal authority to humanely end the lives of our animal patients. And although this is allowed, and most often medically necessary, it does not come without cost.
Topics: Client Situations, Communication, Vet Student, Euthanasia, Career, Clients