Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is a Fact: Cows Have Claws! The "toes" of cloven-hoofed (split hoofed) animals, such as cows, goats and sheep, are called claws.
A cow hoof is cloven, or divided, into two approximately equal parts.
Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is a Fact: Cows Have Claws! The "toes" of cloven-hoofed (split hoofed) animals, such as cows, goats and sheep, are called claws.
A cow hoof is cloven, or divided, into two approximately equal parts.
Topics: Facts
Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is our latest infographic on canine cold weather risk for small, medium and large dogs. This assessment tool will give you the score risks for each size and also some other considerations.
Topics: Facts, Canine, Dog Breeds
Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is our latest infographic on pupils shape by species including feline, canine, avian, bovine, caprine, ovine, swine, and equine.
Topics: Facts
Topics: Facts, Vet Student
Veterinarians and veterinarian students, here is our latest infographic on The ECG Wave.
Topics: Facts
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