We would like to congratulation all the veterinary students of the class of 2017 for graduating! Why not keep in touch by the downloading ViralVet app, an Image and Video Sharing and Case Collaboration for Veterinary Professionals!
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Topics: Vet School
Thank you to ViralVet member TXexoticvet for challenging us with this interesting case! Think you know what caused this Cockatiel to puff up?
Great Catch ViralVet member Kbp415! In house needle aspirate and cytology is a quick and easy way to confirm or rule out the dangerous nature of new lumps and bumps. Your cytology images are fantastic!
Thank you to ViralVet member Kbp415 for this interesting case and reminder of the potential for acute blindness in apparently healthy cats!
Topics: ViralVet Case of the Week
Thank you to ViralVet User Smithlin for sharing this interesting case with our community!
Topics: ViralVet Case of the Week