"Thank you to ViralVet user vetworld for sharing these amazing images and interesting case! This is a great reminder that not only avian species can become egg bound! The number of eggs removed from this Iguana is eggtraordinary!"
"Thank you to ViralVet user vetworld for sharing these amazing images and interesting case! This is a great reminder that not only avian species can become egg bound! The number of eggs removed from this Iguana is eggtraordinary!"
Topics: ViralVet Case of the Week
Did you know you can't actually see an X-Ray? X-rays are the electromagnetic waves shot through areas of the body, and then to film, to produce an image called a radiograph. X-rays can't be seen. It is the result, the radiograph, that is visually interpreted.
Topics: Facts
Our next veterinary infographic is the anatomy of a tooth. We cover the enamel, pulp, dentin, gingiva, gingval sulcus, alveolar bone, and cementum.
Did you know that dogs have an odd number of lung lobes. Dogs have three lung loves on the left (cranial, middle, and caudal) and four lung loves on the right (cranial, middle, caudal, and accessory).
Topics: Facts
VetPrep's ViralVet App was recently reviewed by a German Veterinarian, Daphne Frederiksen, who gives vet apps reviews, and recently gave a full review about the ViralVet apps' functionality, the community and the overall influence ViralVet has to the veterinary community. You can read the full article here (in German).
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