Here is a quick quiz to test your irish dog breed knowledge on this St. Patrick's Day!
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Cari Wise
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If you are like me, you probably didn't know that National Ag Day even existed.
I feel a little ashamed to admit that considering my profession probably wouldn't exist if not for animals in agriculture.
Topics: debt, Student Loans, Vet Student, Career
Moral stress the top trigger in veterinarians’ compassion fatigue
Susan C. Kahler wrote an article that appeared on JAVMA titled "Moral stress the top trigger in veterinarians' compassion fatigue". The piece talks about how she suggest redefining veterinarians' ethical responsibility.
Topics: Links, Stress Management
Can we quantify the true cost of veterinary student debt?
Elizabeth Johnson, Ross Knippenberg, PhD, and Mike Dicks, PhD wrote an article that appeared on titled "Can we quantify the true cost of veterinary student debt?". The piece talks about the the burden of paying down student debt early in their careers plays a significant role in new graduates' lifestyle satisfaction.
Topics: Links, debt, Student Loans
We have the best job in the world, at least I think so. And you probably think so too, since you are a Vet Student happily giving up years of your life for vet school to become a veterinarian.
You are likely envisioning a life of puppies and kittens, foals and calves, kids and lambs, chicks, piglets, and crias. You get the idea. But, as you know, not all days will be happy ones in the world of veterinary medicine.
Topics: Client Situations, Communication, Vet Student, Vet School, Career