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Flavia Vaduva
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So what EXACTLY is the Dress Code in a Veterinary Setting?
Topics: Dress Code
Veterinarians are... NOT any of these things (except real doctors)
For the past 11 years, I have worked in the veterinary field. I started as a veterinary assistant in high school, worked as a veterinary technician in college, then attended vet school and four years later, I achieved my dream of becoming a Veterinarian.
I’ve been in this industry long enough that I have heard all the above items mentioned at least once and often much more than that. However, what I found so incredibly shocking is that this is the list that comes up in Google search about Veterinarians. Google uses algorithms to develop a ranking system for what comes up first in your search (6). That means that these are the top 5 things people are searching as it relates to Veterinarians.
Topics: veterinarians
The butterfly catheter is one of my favorite phlebotomy supplies. In my opinion, it is often an overlooked and underutilized tool in your veterinary toolbox that can be very helpful in certain situations.
Topics: Catheter, Buterfly Catheter
How to Perform a Veterinary Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement
Are you a third or fourth year veterinary student on clinics or a first or second year student thinking about what will it be like on clinics? One important minimum database parameter you may have to measure for your patients is their blood pressure. It’s a super important measurement to monitor so make sure your skills are on point! In case you’re a pro that just needs a refresher or if you’re just learning the steps, read below to get an overview of blood pressure measurement via Doppler!
An Important point to note: this method primarily measures systolic blood pressure.
An alternative indirect blood pressure method which provides measurements for systolic, diastolic and mean arterial pressure is the oscillometric method.
Topics: Procedures
Veterinarian Shout Outs: 8 Vets You Should Follow Online
As a veterinary student busy with classes, clinics and studying for the NAVLE ®, it may be hard to think about all the different ways you can contribute to our profession after graduation.
The great news is there are so many amazing individuals in veterinary medicine and many are doing some pretty cool and diverse things that we can look to for inspiration.
Here’s a special shout out to some Veterinarians that are rocking it in different and inspiring ways!
Topics: Veterinary Blogs