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Flavia Vaduva
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Topics: externships
Veterinary Student Tips for the “Peri-Interview” Journey
As a veterinary student, you may not feel confident about the job search process- read more below for advice on how to prepare for the job hunt!
Topics: Jobs, Interviews
How to Prepare for the Dark Side of the Internet (for veterinary students)
I would like to believe my veterinary education was progressive in a lot of ways. We had classes in communication, business and professional development in addition to the traditional courses. Topics that the generations of veterinarians in front of me likely did not learn about were discussed in different ways.
Topics: Internet Haters, Comments, Vet Practice
TED Talks is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.
Here are 9 talks I think would be very beneficial for Veterinary Students who may be just starting their journey as a 1st year all the way to the recent graduate. Take a look at these 9 gems and then read my takeaways through a veterinary lens as someone who has taken the journey through veterinary school and now is a professional.
Topics: Motivation, Stress Management
Givers vs. Takers: What this means for vet school and for your career
I once overheard a group of veterinary students discussing how their class was very competitive and that they didn’t really share materials with each other.
This discussion made me wonder about their reciprocity style and their potential for success in our field. Would they work well with others in clinics? What about in their first job or internship or residency?
How would this mindset affect their careers long term?
Topics: Vet School