Shine the miniature horse will trot into an exclusive club of Colorado equines with a prosthetic hoof when he leaves the James L. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital this week.
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Role of Practices in Reducing DIR for Veterinary Graduates
The survival of the veterinarian profession depends on the ability of the colleges of veterinary medicine to produce new veterinarians equipped with the skills necessary to provide the services that are needed by animal owners and the general population.
How can practices help in reducing the Debt-to-Income Ratio for new veterinary graduates?
Topics: Links
Moral stress the top trigger in veterinarians’ compassion fatigue
Susan C. Kahler wrote an article that appeared on JAVMA titled "Moral stress the top trigger in veterinarians' compassion fatigue". The piece talks about how she suggest redefining veterinarians' ethical responsibility.
Topics: Links, Stress Management
Can we quantify the true cost of veterinary student debt?
Elizabeth Johnson, Ross Knippenberg, PhD, and Mike Dicks, PhD wrote an article that appeared on titled "Can we quantify the true cost of veterinary student debt?". The piece talks about the the burden of paying down student debt early in their careers plays a significant role in new graduates' lifestyle satisfaction.
Topics: Links, debt, Student Loans