Are you in Vet School and without a pet? Think you might be too busy? Too poor? Too tired? I urge you to reconsider! You are missing out on more than you may realize!
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Why You Should Not be Without a Pet During Vet School
Topics: Stress Management, Health & Wellness, Vet School
Getting in to Veterinary School is the hard part. So once you are there, how do you make the most out of your education? We’ve compiled a list of 10 Tips to help you assure Vet School Success!
Topics: Stress Management, Health & Wellness, NAVLE, Vet School
Cynde Gardner, DVM, CH, is a veterinarian currently practicing as a Medical Hypnotherapist and Stress Reduction Specialist. She opened her current company, Bright Paths, after an accident left her unable to continue daily veterinary medical practice.
Topics: Stress Management, Veterinarian Spotlight, Health & Wellness, Career
Vet School, Would You Do It Again? Why so many are saying NO!
Would you still pick veterinary medicine as your career? Would you attend veterinarian school again? Do you have any Vet School regrets? To find out, in a June poll, we asked that question. With just over 100 responses so far, the results are discouraging.
The majority of respondents, 42%, said No, and 20% said they Didn’t Know. Only 38% said Yes, they would do it again.
Topics: debt, Stress Management, Vet School, Career, Hot Topics
As a DVM, the decision to treat a case yourself, or to refer it for outside care can be difficult. There are many factors that can influence the decision. So how do you decide?
Here are five tips to help veterinarians determine when to refer.
Topics: Stress Management, Communication, Career