This great article helps to define what many veterinary professionals are feeling, provides guidance to recognize the signs, tips to relieve stress, and reminds us we are not alone.
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Cari Wise
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DVM, are you unhappy at work? May be more than just a bad day.
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VetPrep Users, you asked for it and we delivered! A new feature has been added to our premier online study tool for the Navle®. Never run out of questions again thanks to the Pile of Done!
Our ViralVet Case of the week is from VV User, Zoovet! I don't know if I'm more impressed by the patient itself or the effort to save it! Check out a myriad of exotics cases on ViralVet!
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It's the summer and that usually means VACATION time! So when you go away, what do you do with your fur babies?
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