Are you planning on taking the NAVLE® this winter? As of today Monday June 4, 2018 , the ICVA has opened applications for the November/December test window.
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Vet Students: Time to Submit Your NAVLE® Applications
Topics: NAVLE, NAVLE Applications
Don't Blow It! 9 Things to Do the Night Before the NAVLE!
There is always some anxiety the night before the NAVLE! Here are a few tips for the night before the exam to help you get ready.
Topics: Test Taking Tips, NAVLE, VetPrep
VIDEO: Should You Study for the Boards in the Summer?
How the Method of Loci Can Help You Become A Veterinarian
Let’s say for a moment that you decide to abandon this whole veterinary medicine thing and try to focus on a different career path. I mean, instead of going through vet school, save all of that money and focus on a more reasonable vocational aspiration: a great orator of Ancient Rome. Sounds perfect!
Topics: Videos, NAVLE, Vet Student, Vet School
Congrats Veterinary Students for Receiving Residency & Internship Match Results
February 13th marked the official date where graduating Veterinary Students found out their match results for residency and internships for the 2017-2018 school year. VIRMP, also refered to as Veterinary Internship & Residency Matching Program is sponsored by the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians.
Topics: Residency, NAVLE, Internship, VIRMP