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Topics: Videos, Internship
VIDEO: Should You Study for the Boards in the Summer?
How the Method of Loci Can Help You Become A Veterinarian
Let’s say for a moment that you decide to abandon this whole veterinary medicine thing and try to focus on a different career path. I mean, instead of going through vet school, save all of that money and focus on a more reasonable vocational aspiration: a great orator of Ancient Rome. Sounds perfect!
Topics: Videos, NAVLE, Vet Student, Vet School
Thanksgiving is a great American holiday (I imagine that Canadian Thanksgiving is awesome too, but it was back in October and I'm sorry that I missed it). Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate family, friends, food and football. As we discussed in our previous blog about Holiday Dangers, it can also be a difficult time for pets when people either accidentally or on purpose feed their pets inappropriate foods.
It’s National Veterinary Technician Week!! I know this is a blog for veterinary students, but seriously where would we be without our technicians? I keep in touch with the vast majority of technicians from my past. The techs I worked with at my weekend job, from vet school, from my internship and my clinic are still my friends and teachers.
Veterinary technicians play such a critical role in our community. They are highly skilled professionals with multiple hats to wear on a daily basis. Phlebotomist, pharmacy technician, anesthesiologist, patient holder, client communication specialist, dental hygienist, custodian, dog walker, morale booster, neonate reviver, surgery pack origami artist, inventory manager, receptionist, undertaker, veterinarian security guard, lab specialist, CPR technician, and animal snuggling expert. The list goes on and on.